This picture was taken from my deck on the 24Th of Jan... Right now it is snowing and the flakes caught the flash of the camera...Leaving small white flecks on the picture... The sky naturally looked a pink color which is why I took the pictureincorporating our theme of Pink! I exaggerated the picture's color by editing it... It is a very cold and calm night with the snow silently falling on the trees and its surroundings...Perhaps the same snow a couple of years ago may have fallen similar in Alaska...and Bridge and I would have only been miles apart instead of oceans apart :( ...JJ
I had no rhyme or reason for picking pink, I just thought it was a happy idea for this week. I am really enjoying seeing the way we both take the ideas. I look forward to next week. Oh This is an upclose picture of the flowers Ryon got me for our Anniversary. This was taken Jan 17th!