22 February 2009

Eye 7/52

I took this picture of Snoop's eyes. I know it may sound crazy but for some reason her eyes remind me of my aunt La's. I am not sure it if it the darkness of them or the color, but sometimes when Snoop looks up at me I can't help but to remember her...

Eyes are something I never take for granted. I guess being that I have always had to wear glasses, almost got hit in the eye on that horrilbe day and could have lost it, plus being that at the unheard of age of 20 I had to have a detached retenea surgrey. If they had not done it when they did I could have gotten permentaly blind in that eye. To not be able to see...I can not even imagine that darkness, that lost feeling. I think people can really brighten up their face with their eyes, or be worn out and sad looking. They are the gate way to our souls. I truly think so at least. My picture was taken in my bed late at night.


Alaskangal B said...

Awww girly that is really sweet. I love Dog's eyes. Especially Amercian Staff's. they seem to just really be all warm and mushy. You wanna hug them. I am super excited for your theme this week. Going to be a hard one

BitterSweet said...

I really like yours...I started to scroll down and was unsure of what it was...then I could see one of your eyes ;) Very creative bridge!

Lisa said...

aww this is great you guys! i love the two different perspectives, yet again. :P keep it up!